Senior Eye Care Age-Related Eye Conditions Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Seniors As we age, our eyesight can become more vulnerable to age-related eye conditions.  It is important for older adults to take extra care of their eyes and get regular eye exams.  Eye specialist in Hyderabad is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing vision loss due to age-related conditions such as  Cataracts Glaucoma Macular degeneration Diabetic retinopathy  Regular eye exams can help detect these conditions early on so that they can be treated promptly.  Additionally, seniors should also practice good habits such as wearing sunglasses when outdoors and eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins A and C to help protect their eyes from further damage.  There are many benefits of routine eye exams, including:- Vision correction. An eye exam can detect if you need prescription glasses or contact lenses.  It can also detect signs of a common eye condition known as Presbyopia, which is the start of nearsightedness that typically occurs with age and is the result of lens changes in the eye over time.  Frequent screenings can help your doctor catch high blood pressure conditions early on so they can provide treatment to prevent vision […] read more